How to Teach CVC Words in Kindergarten

Teaching students how to read is one of the most rewarding parts of teaching kindergarten. However, it can also be incredibly challenging! One of the fundamental concepts students have to learn is how to read a CVC words list. Not sure how to tackle that big list? Keep reading and I’ll explain why those CVC […]

No Prep Kindergarten Games for Early Finishers

Have you ever had a moment when you have just a few minutes left before your next activity? Maybe you are seeing your students are finishing assigned work early, or you may need to keep some of your littles busy while you focus on others. In times like these, no prep Kindergarten games are the […]

How to Teach Password Security in Kindergarten

Teaching password security to Kindergarten students isn’t as difficult as you might think! We live in a world full of technology. With that privilege, there is a huge responsibility to be good digital citizens. Part of being a good digital citizen means knowing about cybersecurity. How do we stay secure in a digital world? Passwords. […]

Decodable Books for Kindergarten: What They are and How You Can Use Them

Decodable books for Kindergarten are a must! How many of your students love to tell stories but struggle with fluency? Many students understand how phonics works, but struggle when it comes to reading a story out loud. That’s why we need to bridge the gap when it comes to reading with our students. Reading is […]

Kindergarten Morning Meeting Activities Made Easy

Walking into school should always be routine. One of the best ways you can do this is by having Kindergarten morning meeting activities that students are accustomed to. What does your Kindergarten morning meeting need to entail? Simple. The four components you’re going to read about in this blog post! What are the 4 Components […]

Kindergarten Routines and Procedures that are Essential for Success 

Kindergarten routines and procedures – You’re going to want to bookmark this one! When Kindergarten students are coming into your classroom, it’s important to remember they aren’t going to know how to act right away. That’s why it’s important that we teach Kindergarten routines and procedures that make our whole day run smoothly. What do […]

First Week of Kindergarten Activities

The first week of Kindergarten is an exciting time! Students are getting used to a whole new world, and they are in your room being little sponges who are ready to soak in everything you throw at them. So, what do you do that first week of Kindergarten? You use amazing first week of Kindergarten […]

First Day Activities for Kindergarten

Planning first day activities for Kindegarten isn’t as diffficult as you might think. The first day of anything is always the hardest! When you are a kindergarten teacher, you have several students in your classroom who are in a classroom for the very first time! How scary and exciting all at once! When students walk […]

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