Thanksgiving Math Count the Room Activity


Counting objects to 20 has never been more fun! This Thanksgiving math count the Room math activity is perfect to get your students up and moving during math center time!

This Thanksgiving Count the Room Activity includes the following:

1. 20 Thanksgiving number cards in color with picture and ten frame

2. 20 Thanksgiving number cards in color with pictures only

3. Answer sheet for 1-10 variation – in color and b&w

4. Answer sheet for 1-20 variation – in color and b&w

5. Number Chart for student reference

Teacher Tip: Laminate to use over and over again as a math center.

✨Save 30% off when you purchase this money saving seasonal bundle!

✨Save 30% off when you purchase this money saving holiday bundle!

Teacher Tip: Laminate to use over and over again as a math center.


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