These whole class behavior management puzzles are the perfect solution for your individual behavior chart or whole class behavior managment, and a way to reward all of your students! Effective whole class behavior management for students, is what your classroom needs!
A simple puzzle with a monthly theme, these puzzles are not only fun to do together as a group, but they provide great feedback on each student’s individual level of engagement that can be used as an informal assessment tool.
This resource includes 8 classroom management puzzles and 12 layouts that can be used with your entire class, groups, or individual students.
When your student(s) receive compliments or make good decisions, you can add a piece of a puzzle until the puzzle is complete.
Once the puzzle is complete, your students will have earned the prize listed on the puzzle layout.
In order to use these puzzles over an over again be sure to laminate both the layouts and puzzle pieces.
When you want to use this classroom behavior management system for individual use, simply open in Adobe Acrobat (free) and choose the printer selections shown in this resource preview!
Here’s what you’ll get:
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